I know it's been quite a few months since I've uploaded a post. I thought I was going to have more time to blog. But I've realized that I just need to make the time.
Well I receive these emails every day called "Girlfriends in God" and they always start with a bible verse, go into a story and a teaching and then end with a prayer. Most of them are great, and I always get a lot out of them. One of the ones from this week was really good and it was talking about the invention of Post-It-Notes and how they have changed our world. :) Kind of a different way of thinking about them. Well the author of this email goes into how, one of the reasons we use post-it-notes is to remember things. Well she starts talking about "God's Post-it-Notes" (the little reminders in our live that God is always there). She talks about how we forget these a lot and how we need to count our blessings and really think about what "Post-It-Notes" God is leaving us as reminders of His Amazing Love.
Here are some of my "Post-It-Notes":
- The beautiful blue sky with NO clouds today
- Spring flowers
- Spending time with my Family
- Coffee Dates with some awesome people
- Single Girls Bible Study
- Sunsets
- Being able to pray openly every day
- A roof over my head
- Trees blowing in the wind
- Watching a deaf kid hear for the first time
- Playing outside with the little kids I babysit for
- Ability to walk
What are YOUR post-it-note reminders from God? Take a moment tonight before you go to bed and write down your blessings for the day!
"Since the creation of the world, God's invisible qualities- his eternal power and divine nature-have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse" ~Romans 1:20