Friday, January 17, 2014

Do I really want to lose weight? YES!

I have joined weight watchers over 6 or 7 times throughout my life. I started back in high school and joined with my mom. She has been such a great influence on my life and has been one of my number 1 supporters. She has always called and given me tips, suggestions, recipes, success stories and encouragement!! I am thankful that she would go with me to weight watchers and would always celebrate with me when I have lost weight. She has also encouraged me when I have gained weight or not lost any weight or when I have decided to stop weight watchers for yet another time. I am very thankful for her and for introducing me to Weight Watchers so many years ago! I love you Mom!

I still am unsure as to why I ever stopped going to weight watchers because it works and helps me still have a life be successful in my weight loss. But for whatever reason I would lose some weight and feel good and then just quit going. However, the program has stuck with me and when I would get desperate I would join lose some weight and start feeling good but then something internally would just make me quit. My eating is very emotional, I have always been a stress and emotional eater. Whenever I am having a bad day or a bad moment I would always turn to food to try and feel better. It just turned into a vicious cycle of eating to feel better and then feeling bad because I ate so much or so bad. It has only taken me 26 years to realize this about myself but now that I do. I can make the changes necessary to lose this weight for good and feel GREAT about myself.

Once I realized that this is something that I really wanted and could achieve with hard work and dedication-it was on. Something inside of me was sparked and I realized I was done with excuses and reasons as to why I could not do it and am just going to do it. That is why I turned to Weight Watchers again last year- and was doing pretty well lost a lot of weight the first couple weeks was down about 10 pounds and feeling good and then I had a bad day or a bad meal and just fell right back into the cycle and stopped weighing in. With the combination of a lot of health problems, rising medical bills, and just feeling sorry for myself I started eating a lot of fast food and comfort food to help me feel better but when it started to make me feel worse I knew I needed to make a change and I needed to make it fast. 

 That brings us to the present day and I went to my first meeting in quite a few months last night and it was the best thing for me. I have always heard that you lose more weight when you actually attend the meetings but I would make every excuse in the book as to why I couldn't make a meeting when in all actuality that was really dumb. I am so glad I went last night- not only is it a great place to go I love that no matter what our sizes or struggles are we can come together and love and support each other through this process. Its a great place to throw ideas out that help people lose weight and make healthy choices. It is also a place to come and celebrate weight loss and meeting weight loss goals!! Last night I got a 5 pound sticker because I lost 5.4 pounds last week!! 


My next goal is to get to 10%  of my weight loss goal and then I can get a nifty 10% key chain. I have not received one through all my years of going to weight watchers and I am really determined to get there. 11 more pounds to lose to get there!! I know I can do it in the next couple of weeks and I am not going to stop until I get it! :) My mom has had one for years and I have always been really jealous but know I can do it! 

10% key chain! I am coming for you! :) 

I am going to share one item or food that is really helping me lose weight on each post. Last post I talked about the fit bit. It is AWESOME! :) If you are wanting to lose weight or are just trying to be more active this is something for you.

I bought a new Weight Watcher's Tumbler last night at the meeting and I love it. I don't LOVE drinking water so when I find something I really like and can use all the time and I know exactly how much water I am drinking I am all for it. I love the color too and the fact that it has a straw. They are brand new and awesome! They are $12.95

Thursday, January 16, 2014

New Year, MY YEAR!

Hi friends,

I have been away from blogging for about 2 years now. But wanted to start again this year to tell you about the journey I am about to embark on. I know that this journey is going to be tough, beautiful, challenging, inspiring, difficult and life changing and I am determined to change my life for the better! Rome was not built in a day and my weight loss journey will not happen over night. I have come to terms with the fact that this is going to take a long time and there will be ups and downs but I am ready for the challenge.

I hope that my story can help others realize just how beautiful and worthy they are no matter what other people say or think. I have struggled for many many years with my weight, probably since middle school. That is also when the bullying and teasing started. That is a whole other issue that will probably be discussed later on. I have joined and quit Weight Watchers more times then I want to admit. I have joined and quit gyms more times than I ever set foot in them. But there is something that came over me a week or so ago and it was the longing and desire to change my life for the better and the only way to do that is to take control of my life and my health and make lifestyle changes.

So here I am the beginning of 2014 and I am declaring it MY year. I have started going back to Weight Watchers meetings and tracking my food each day. I also purchased a Fit Bit. I have the ONE and I am obsessed with it.
Go there and purchase one. :) It is worth the investment and can change your whole life. 

Here are my goals for this year:

Overall Weight Loss Goal: 100 pounds
Would like to reach it by: October or November
To Date: I have already lost 10 (hopefully more like 15 by this evening! :) (weighing in tonight at WW)
Steps each day: 10,000-12,000 (even if it is just walking around my condo while catching up on TV!)
   Milestones to reach: 
50 pounds by my 27th Birthday (May 14th)
75 pounds by July 4th
100 pounds by Mid October/Early November

I feel like these goals are achievable but will only happen with dedication and hard work. I am so so thankful for the support I have been getting from friends and family. I seriously have the best friends and family in the whole world. I would not be able to do this without your continued support. I know I will continually need your support and encouragement. I also know writing this blog will help me get my thoughts and feelings down and help me as well!

Keep coming back to check in on how I am doing. Will try and post every few days. I am going to use this blog to be honest and open about my struggle and journey with my weight and losing weight and know that this will be more of a journal and diary for me to express myself in the best way I know how.

Thanks for stopping by! :)

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