In a nutshell, here is what my June and July have been like....
Quitting my job at a nonprofit that I had for almost 2 years...going on an amazing long weekend with a bunch of teen leaders from my church that I volunteer at with no cell service the day i quit my job...the most beautiful part of that weekend, seeing teens on fire for their faith and learning so much from them. Another amazing long weekend trip to visit one of my best friends in Washington DC...was fun to catch up with her, be all touristy in DC and go on so many site seeing trips, while on that trip able to see one of my cousins Chris, who i hadn't seen since I graduated from Auburn. Overall one of my favorite trips I've had in a long time! Also started working for my Dad as a front desk manager at his Chiropractic Office and in turn started a 28 day detox cleanse program... (I will talk more about that in July).
Here's a picture of my friend Laura and I on our DC Ducks Tour...Its a truck and a boat in one...we saw the DC on land and on was amazing!!!!
Here's one of my touristy pictures...more pictures to come!!!
Here's a picture of my cousin Chris and I at my graduation from Auburn 2 years ago.... I forgot to take a picture of us together from DC
Here's another picture from my graduation...ALL the cousins on my dad's side in age one was really happy about this picture but since it was my graduation I believe they just smiled to make me happy! :) This was the last time all 5 of us were together at once!!
Had an awesome July 4th weekend, hanging out by the pool, hanging out with friends, going to watch fireworks and see Cars 2...

I am in the process now of looking for a new place to live- I am going to get a 1 bedroom probably in the Sandy Springs/ Dunwoody Perimeter area!!!
The other big thing going on, is I've given up dating for ONE YEAR!! I started on July 18th 2011 and will not start dating again until July 18th, 2012. My aunt let me borrow Andy Stanley's DVD "The new rules on Love, Sex and Dating" and it is AMAZING!!!! I will be blogging about that experience as well, it's something new and fresh and since I had decided at the very beginning of 2011- that this would be MY YEAR... I am working on myself, my health, my faith and learning how to become the daughter of Christ I was made to be...I am falling in love with Jesus before I can fall in love with my prince charming!!
A lot of changes have happened over the past few months, but its been an awesome journey...change is inevitable, but there is always something better that happens after the change...
Stay tuned for more updates!!!
i love you! so great to see you at Mass at Steubenville, how many years later since the first one I met you at.