Tuesday, February 1, 2011

2011 is MY year!

I know everyone has New Year's Resolutions that they may or may not keep after the first month or so into the New Year. Well I've been that way for most of my life- I would make the same resolutions year after year to lose weight, love myself and just be happier, etc.

Well 2011 is going to be MY YEAR! I've started the year off on the right foot and have made attainable goals for this year. I am excited to see how this journey will pan out and I am excited to share this journey with my fellow bloggers.

I've started reading blogs maybe about 6 months ago and they have literally changed my life. I know that may sound really weird- but it's SO true. I love to read others blogs and to learn that they are other people out there going through some of the same things as me and I can learn so much about myself by reading words on a screen. I love anything motivational and I have found myself becoming so motivated after reading others blogs. I thank everyone who has a blog and has shared their lives online for others! You never know when your words can inspire someone else.

So I've decided to start my own blog (I used to think, wow...I don't know if I would have enough to say in a blog and really? would anyone read what I have to say). I hope that maybe someone out there will be able to read my blog and it could perhaps be exactly what they needed to hear at the right time and it could have the same affect that the blogs I read have on me.

I hope you will follow me on this journey!

Inspirational Quotes of the Day:

“The fact is, that to do anything in the world worth doing, we must not stand back shivering and thinking of the cold and danger, but jump in and scramble through as well as we can.”
Robert Cushing

“The only journey is the journey within.”
Rainer Maria Rilke

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