Thursday, September 29, 2011

Two Songs

My favorite song of ALL TIME is "Just The Way You Look Tonight" by Frank Sinatra. I actually like any version of this song- I love Micheal Buble's version, American Idol winner Kris Allen's version....but the best version of this song is when my DADDY sings it!!! :)

Check out this website and you can listen to the CD he made!! :)

"Restless" by Audrey Assad. Ever since I heard Audrey sing and heard this song- it has become one of my favorite worship songs of all time!!! She has an incredible voice and it is just an amazing song!!!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Three Films

Sleepless in Seatle

My Best Friend's Wedding

I Cento Passi

** I got an Italian Studies minor while at Auburn and one of the classes I took was a class about the Mafia and an Italian Films class. We watched this movie and I just LOVED it- I know that is kind of strange because its all about the Mafia- but it was a great movie all about Italian history and it had a beautiful story that went along with it about Italians**

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Day 7: Four Books


"Love you forever"

Literally one of my ALL TIME FAVORITE BOOKS growing up!!! I wanted to read it ALL the time. I can probably quote the whole book, without even looking at it.

"I love you forever, I'll like you for always, as long as I'm living my baby you'll be" I CAN'T WAIT TO READ THIS TO MY CHILDREN!!!!


"Time Traveler's Wife"

I love love love books that become movies, like seriously....I think I've read almost every single book that was turned into a movie (okay, maybe that an exageration, but pretty close). I love the love story of this book and just all the emotions that the book makes you feel.

 "The Shack"

One of the best books I've ever read. I could totally feel like I was in this story. I felt like I had known the characters my entire life and that i was living their journey with them at the same time they were. It really helped me deepen my faith and I just again love a book that pulls on so many different emotions.


Anything Emily Giffin....I've read all of her books up to now except for "The Heart of the Matter" (its my next read after I finish "The Help")

I love her style of writing and i just have enjoyed reading all her books. Those would be
"Something Borrowed"

"Something Blue"

"Baby Proof"

"Love the One You're With"

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Day 6: Five Foods

Five Foods:

My Mamie Mare's (my grandma) Goulash. It was one of my favorite things to eat and she was such a good cook! :) (and one of the best babysitters I've EVER had)

Cheese Dip!!!

London Broil (especially when my mom makes it!!! AHH so good!!!)

Seafood!!! It's my favorite....I love anything shrimp, crabs, any type of fish!!! Yum Yum!!

Chick-fil-a!!!!!! I love everything from Chick-fil-a!!!!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Day 5: Six Places

Six Places
I'm not sure if this is place that you would want to go or places you have been. So I think I'm going to split it up and do 3 of my FAVORITE places and 3 Places on my Wish List to visit.

My all time favorite place to go is to our beach condo right near Rosemary Beach. We have been going to that beach as a family for over 15 years and I have so many great memories and can't wait to bring my family there someday and great so many more memories.

I've always wanted to go to California, there are way too many cities that I want to visit. Seriously, I could probably just go for an entire month and travel all around and still not see everything I want to see! :)

Another one of my favorite places to go is Taormina, Sicily. I studied abroad there for an entire month the summer before my Senior Year at Auburn. And I LOVED everything about that place. It's so beautiful, there is so much history and really cool places to see there. The people there are so nice, life is so laid back there and its just beautiful.

I really want to go to Alaska too. After watching the show Sarah Palin's Alaska, it just seems like such a beautiful place. I don't think I would go looking for grisly bears or go Salmon fishing (not really into getting all dirty and gross) but the scenery from the show is just so beautiful.

My last favorite place is IRELAND. I went with my family when I was in high school I believe and it is SOO PRETTY. Ironically even though my last name is REALLY italian. I am more Irish than anything! :) I loved our trip, we traveled all around Ireland visiting castles, kissing the blarney stone, etc.

AUSTRALIA. (I know I've talked about it a lot, so I am just saying Australia, enough said! :) )

I need to start saving to go to all the places I want to go! :)

Friday, September 2, 2011

Day 4: Seven Wants

I want to be able to speak Italian fluently.

I want to see a cure found for cancer in my lifetime.

I want a family of my own someday SOON.

I want to go to Australia and meet a cute Australian boy! :)

I want to find a cure for Muscular Dystrophy in my lifetime.

I want more time to sit and relax and read and just chill out from life sometimes.

I want 5 kids.

What do YOU WANT? Please share! :)